This page explains how pricing works in a custom treatment plan: like most specialized professionals, we need to understand your requirements before we can estimate a timeline and price for your case.

If you require affordable and predictable pricing, we recommend joining our membership program, which offers unlimited shared hypnosis and peer support for a single monthly fee. We do not want anybody to avoid our help for financial reasons alone, even if it means that we cannot attend to every client privately.

When you ask how much we’ll charge to help you, we take the question seriously, and in most cases our most honest answer will be “let’s set aside some time to figure that out.” We don’t bill for intakes, planning or communication—only actual, eyes-closed hypnosis sessions—which makes it possible for us to hear the details of your case first and then quote a price estimate along with a written plan. Having a proper estimate means you won’t start a program you can’t afford to finish, and you won’t commit to a longer program if you only need a couple of sessions.

Human beings are complex. As a rule, we won’t say that we can help you until we can also say how we can help you, which is important for your full, informed consent. Once we can articulate a how, we can estimate how long your program will be. If we don’t believe we can help you after considering the details and parameters of your case, we will let you know politely and for free, which happens more often than you might think.

If you already understand why this is the best way to begin, you can click here to skip forward and schedule your consultation at our office or online—it’s a relaxed and informative meeting that leads to a written treatment plan at no cost or obligation.

If you aren’t comfortable with that depth of conversation yet, you can attend a shared hypnosis session or experience one of the many free sessions on our YouTube channel to become familiar with our work, practices and principles.

If You Just Want to Know How Much It Costs…

Our data from 2023 reveals that, before achieving outcomes that allowed them to complete their programs, our smoking cessation clients paid an average of $525, our clients seeking other forms of habit change paid an average of around $1000, and our chronic pain clients had the longest programs, paying an average of $1500, plus HST.

Please keep in mind that these are averages. None of our clients paid us exactly $525: They paid both less and more than this amount in roughly equal proportions.

Until we know the details of your case, we can only provide this rather broad range of numbers, which are historical figures for people who are not you. The best practice for pricing your case will be to take the time to figure it out.

Why does it have to be this complicated? Many hypnotists operate and bill like psychotherapists, which means you pay them for every hour they spend with you. We do not believe that per-hour billing serves our clients’ best interests, since it hides the total cost and misaligns incentives. Just like your dentist or veterinarian, we won’t even let you hire us on a per-hour basis.

Instead, we only bill for sessions after you approve the plan we’ve written for your case. If you need extra time to enter hypnosis or ask questions, no extra charge is incurred. If we can’t hypnotize you, we don’t charge for the session in the first place. All of this means that we only make money from happy clients, and because we’ve been operating under this principle since 2006, we’ve become one of the best in our industry.

What Goes into a Hypnosis Session

Once you become familiar with our work, you will start to understand why we operate differently. Primarily, we make every effort to meet your expectation that we can help you in a small number of well-defined sessions, often two or three and rarely more than five—which is a very small amount of time in the counselling and therapy worlds. We achieve this by practising as traditional, formal hypnotists rather than acting like unlicensed therapists, which means we’re more interested in verbally delivering helpful ways of thinking than examining your past or feelings in depth. Because a traditional hypnotist will be speaking nearly non-stop during the duration of a session, we can only see a handful of clients every day, but these clients will have a rested, well-prepared practitioner who is present to their needs.

A capable practitioner can make a bigger impact in less time, and they can prevent more expensive problems from getting out of hand (by referring to other professionals, for example). The last thing that you want is to hire a hypnotist who makes up for a low rate by accepting cases they aren’t qualified for or adding unnecessary sessions—practices we counter by providing a written plan upfront that includes a timeline estimate. We have developed our internal best practices through years of hard-earned experience, and comparisons with other practices are often apples-to-oranges.

To plan a series of private in-office sessions, we must consider several factors, including:

  • Your personal life history
  • Ongoing influences on your mood or thinking
  • Potential challenges that we can foresee
  • Hypnotic suggestibility (which we will assess)
  • Your level of self-motivation

This information all goes into your plan, which summarizes the messaging that we intend to communicate during your sessions, for you to review and consent to before you agree to work with us.

Our “getting to know each other” process is a free, one-hour consultation, at our office or online. Most clients find this process to be informative and helpful, and we view it as an important stepping stone before we accept you onboard. We want our price quote to be based on facts, and whether or not you decide to proceed with us, we want your decision to be based on sound information too.

Book a Free Consultation, for a Treatment Plan with Cost Estimate

If you’re from out of town or have a hard time scheduling time off work, completing our self-directed online consultation is the best way to start for simple or non-sensitive issues.

Otherwise, complete the form below or call us at 416-556-4068 and we’ll get back to you with our next availabilities for an in-office consultation. Whichever option you pick, you will receive a written treatment plan with a fee estimate within a few days. We look forward to helping you make an informed decision.

    How would you like to do the consultation? (required)

    You do not need an appointment for a self-directed consultation. Instead, please click here to begin at your own pace once you have at least 30 minutes free. At the end of the consultation, you have the option of submitting details about your case, and we will provide a treatment plan within a few days. Between this online component and the written plan, our self-directed consultation is an effective substitute for our in-office consultation.

    When would you like to schedule your initial consultation? (required)

    Please describe the specific problem(s) you want to solve using hypnosis (required):

    Do you have any concerns that you need to have addressed before your appointment?

    Your full name (required):

    Your e-mail (required)

    Daytime phone number:

    Privacy Notice: We will only contact you for reasons related to your request to become our client. The information you provide will not be shared with third parties. This is a secure, SSL-encrypted form.

    What Our Clients Say

    “Previously, I had worked with many hypnotists worldwide, with various level of results. Due to my experience with hypnosis, I had precise expectations about what I wanted to accomplished, which the other hypnotists have failed to hear. I was impressed by Luke’s approach, outstanding ability to listen and analysis of root causes. Luke is an expert hypnotist with a soft and pleasant voice that prompts you to trust him, relax and achieve desired results. Highly recommended!” *

    — Andy T., Investment Banker

    “I just wanted to drop a line of thanks for the session. It was great of you to outline the session expectations before we got started. […] My anxiety with elevators, bridges, and yes, airplanes! has completely disappeared. It was impressive to undergo the realization of where the anxiety stemmed from, but at the same time, I will say that the session has definitely affected other issues in my life that may have came from the same problem (i.e., mistrust of some people/situations). Many thanks again!” *

    — Lynn X., Nurse Practitioner

    “I never knew what being relaxed truly felt like before our sessions. I wasn’t happy with my life and where it was headed, but with your guidance, you put the power in me to find my own answers. I have a totally different outlook on life now, and you kick-started that. Thank you, and keep helping people, because there is no greater power than in themselves.” *

    — M.K., Professional Hockey Player

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