quotes-11Having tried hypnosis before with mixed results, what I found unique and immensely reassuring about [my hypnotist’s] approach was the time he devoted to really understanding my issues, and their root causes. He not only developed an excellent hypnosis routine that helped me overcome my procrastination, but also guided me to practical resources that helped me establish a solid work routine that has not failed since. Together, we created a blueprint for a new lifestyle that included new diet, exercise and rest routines to keep my functionality and creativity at their peak. Now, not only are my creative and analytical abilities better than ever, but even my health has improved. This approach to self-improvement, while centred around hypnosis, is holistic, and encompasses diet, health, exercise and attitude adjustments. He has put me on a trajectory that will help me achieve wonders, and I remain immensely grateful to him.*


— A.A. (Toronto)

You are not alone. Millions of men and women diet, lose weight, and gain it all back again later. Millions set unrealistic weight loss goals or go on miracle fad diets, only to abandon them after a few days. These people think the same thing you’re thinking: I want to lose weight, but I can’t.

They blame the same things you blame: no self-control, stress, fatigue and zero willpower. Unfortunately, this all adds up to just one thing: excuses. Excuses happen when you let your mind control you with self-defeating thoughts. The key to losing weight and keeping it off is not just a change of conduct, but a change of mindset.

It’s time to take control of your body. But first let’s face some facts:

  • Diet and exercise never works — if you hate doing it.
  • If you have lost weight, you won’t keep it off — unless you commit to a healthy lifestyle.

Learning to love exercise and committing to a healthy lifestyle may not sound like an easy way to lose weight, but with hypnosis, it is. Hypnosis helps you change those self-defeating, out-of-control feelings into a positive mindset that leads to sustainable weight loss.
Woman at gym, motivated to exercise

Hypnosis Helps You to Adopt New Attitudes Toward Food, Weight and Your Body

You can lose weight in many ways, but success always comes down to eating fewer calories than your body needs until you reach your desired weight. Using hypnosis, you can learn to achieve a caloric deficit in several ways:

First, we help you love and appreciate your body. Many people view their body as an adversary. However, it’s only doing the job it’s supposed to do when it stores excess fat—hundreds of years ago, it would have saved your life during times of starvation. When you truly and deeply appreciate your body, you will want to take better care of it.

Second, we work with emotional eating. Many people associate food with love or comfort, an association that often goes back to childhood. However, what was appropriate for a growing child might not be appropriate for a full-grown adult. Using hypnosis, we help you break this connection and develop healthier ways to de-stress.

Mindful eating is often a component of our weight loss program. Many people eat thoughtlessly, whether it’s between meetings or in front of your television. But if you ate at a gourmet restaurant, you would never just scarf down the food—you would take the time to eat every bite slowly and carefully. Approaching every meal like a gourmet meal allows you to value fresh, high-quality food, and to be satisfied with smaller portions.

Of course, it’s always important to consume healthy food in healthy portions. We’ll look at snacking, eating as a reward and binge eating. Aversion methods might be used for specific foods like candy bars or potato chips, but only if you’re willing to give up those foods for life.

Finally, we can incorporate motivation to exercise. For most people it’s easier to eat less food than to burn off excessive calories, but exercise has many benefits beyond weight loss. For those with the time and energy to exercise, it’s an important part of a weight loss program.

Man at gym losing weight

A Comprehensive Program That Tackles Weight Loss from Multiple Angles

In countless independent studies around the world, hypnosis has been consistently proven to be an effective form of treatment for habit control, especially when there are emotions driving behind those habits.

Scientific Studies Have Demonstrated the Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Below, we’ve summarized some of the scientific research on how hypnosis can help with weight loss.

“All participants contented that the hypnotherapy sessions had played a role in their weight-loss journey. Four sub-themes emerged, including increasing mindfulness when eating, motivational eating behaviour change, food purchasing habits, and physical activity […] Participants felt that hypnotherapy promoted mindful eating and awareness of the quantity and quality of food and of social cues that lead to overeating.”

A Qualitative Exploration of Weight Loss Experiences Through Hypnotherapy
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, published 2023
Abstract ?

“Those in IG [intervention group] reported a significantly greater reduction in body weight, compared with CG [control group]. […] There was a statistically significant difference in BMIs between groups at post-study after adjusting for baseline BMI, age, and gender. […] In our study, those in the hypnosis group showed a greater reduction in body weight, BMI, BF% and WC post-study than their control counterparts.”

Does hypnosis result in greater weight loss compared to the conventional approach?
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, published 2022
Abstract ?

Here at The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis, we are committed to helping you achieve tangible, real-world results. Because of this, our unique approach to weight loss is multi-pronged. By tackling the issue from every angle you can be sure that your success will be holistic and comprehensive.

Is Hypnosis Right for You? If You’re Serious About Weight Loss, Take the Next Step Forward

Sample Treatment Plan

Sample treatment plan (click to read).

It’s time to take back control of your body and your life! The next step is to call us at 416-556-4068 (in Toronto) or 1-888-HYPNO-24 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) to schedule a free initial consultation online through video conferencing or at our office in downtown Toronto. This one-hour meeting allows us to figure out how we can help you, and it lets you understand our practices and principles a little better, so that you can make an informed decision. If scheduling is difficult for you, completing our self-directed consultation and requesting a custom treatment plan is another way to start. Otherwise, complete the form below and we’ll get back to you with our next availabilities.

This consultation is for discussing private, individualized care. For a low-cost option, we host regularly scheduled group hypnosis sessions. Click here for more information.

    How would you like to do the consultation? (required)

    You do not need an appointment for a self-directed consultation. Instead, please click here to begin at your own pace once you have at least 30 minutes free. At the end of the consultation, you have the option of submitting details about your case, and we will provide a treatment plan within a few days. Between this online component and the written plan, our self-directed consultation is an effective substitute for our in-office consultation.

    When would you like to schedule your initial consultation? (required)

    Please describe the specific problem(s) you want to solve using hypnosis (required):

    Do you have any concerns that you need to have addressed before your appointment?

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    Privacy Notice: We will only contact you for reasons related to your request to become our client. The information you provide will not be shared with third parties. This is a secure, SSL-encrypted form.


    * The ideal results described on this site, including testimonials, represent the outcome of an ideal client. Your results might be different, and will depend on your hypnotic suggestibility, motivation to change, past history, and many other factors that are not in our control. In addition, our work as hypnotherapists is not medical care, psychotherapy or psychological advice.