Woman at the gym
As an athlete, you know the importance of training your body, strengthening your muscles and improving your technique. Your mind requires the same kind of attention: your brain, like your body, needs to be trained and strengthened for you to become successful. A great athlete’s mind is on the ball. Tiger Woods knows this, and so do Jack Nicklaus, Jimmy Connors and Olympic gold medallist Steve Hooker. Training the mind is what has put them at the top of their game. Tiger even credits the control he has over his mind as his biggest asset in golf. You too can harness the focus, energy and power that all great athletes use to build a winning mindset, and take your game to the next level.

A Secret to Sports Success

Imagine knowing exactly how you’re going to play a game, visualizing it over and over again to ensure victory. This is the secret that professional athletes have been using for decades. They mentally rehearse their winning play repeatedly, until it’s all that they know how to do. They do not worry or even think about fumbling or making mistakes; they focus solely on success, and what exactly each muscle is going to do. It is this unyielding focus and determination that makes the difference. The goal behind enhancing sports performance is to have the unconscious mind filled with ideas of success, victory and positivity. Your unconscious mind must be extremely focused in order to effectively communicate to your body how to act, react, and move in ways that will help you achieve your goals. A more focused mind will allow you to tap into your natural, under-utilized supply of power and drive so that you can perform at your very best.

Scientific Studies Have Demonstrated the Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy for Sports Improvement

Below, we’ve summarized some of the scientific research on how hypnosis can help to improve sports performance.

“Upon receiving the intervention, the participant experienced an immediate performance effect with no overlapping data points between the baseline and the intervention phase. The results suggest that the clutch-based hypnotic intervention consistently improved golf performance during real competitions. […] The participant indicated that during the tournaments (the intervention phase), he felt “more focused on the task,” experienced “improved concentration,” “intensity,” “effort,” and “commitment” to his shots.” […] “The qualitative data revealed some interesting findings. First, the data suggest that the intervention enhanced several variables associated with clutch states, namely, concentration, intensity, and effort. Second, the intervention appeared to augment positive emotions, such as excitement, confidence, and fun. And third, the technique seemed to alter the golfer’s perceptions during clutch situations.”

Clutch-Based Hypnotic Intervention to Improve Golf Performance: A Case Study
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, published 2021
Abstract ?

We Can Help You Train Your Unconscious Mind

The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis uses a variety of advanced hypnotic techniques to uncover and obliterate any barriers that are keeping you from reaching your full potential.

Every human being has both a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. The difference between the two is that a) the unconscious mind is, by definition, out of the reach of conscious awareness, and b) our conscious mind uses reason while the unconscious is governed by emotion.

By bypassing the conscious mind and speaking to the unconscious mind, hypnosis helps you overcome fears, doubts and distractions so that you can get “in the zone” and stay there.
Golfer swinging

Be the Best Athlete You Can Be—Enhance Your Game in the Sport You Love!

With hypnotherapy you can utilize the same techniques as the pro athletes, and amaze yourself with how much you improve once your mind embraces a winner’s mentality. Hypnotic techniques and visualizations will allow you to take full advantage of your unconscious mind, resulting in your best sports performance. You’ll rehearse that winning play and become so familiar with what you need to do to win, that you’ll single-mindedly pursue that goal until you’ve achieved nothing but complete satisfaction with yourself and your new and improved technique. Athletes train hard to achieve their success, yet few of them realize their full potential. Give yourself the competitive edge and use hypnosis to take yourself—and your game—to the next level.

Discover How Hypnosis Can Fix Your “Inner Game”

Sample Treatment Plan

Sample treatment plan (click to read).

If you’re serious about change, the next step is to call us at 416-556-4068 (in Toronto) or 1-888-HYPNO-24 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) to schedule a free initial consultation online through video conferencing or at our office in downtown Toronto. This one-hour meeting allows us to figure out how we can help you, and it lets you understand our practices and principles a little better, so that you can make an informed decision.

If scheduling is difficult for you, completing our self-directed consultation and requesting a custom treatment plan is the best way to start.

Otherwise, complete the form below and we’ll get back to you with our next availabilities:

    How would you like to do the consultation? (required)

    You do not need an appointment for a self-directed consultation. Instead, please click here to begin at your own pace once you have at least 30 minutes free. At the end of the consultation, you have the option of submitting details about your case, and we will provide a treatment plan within a few days. Between this online component and the written plan, our self-directed consultation is an effective substitute for our in-office consultation.

    When would you like to schedule your initial consultation? (required)

    Please describe the specific problem(s) you want to solve using hypnosis (required):

    Do you have any concerns that you need to have addressed before your appointment?

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    Privacy Notice: We will only contact you for reasons related to your request to become our client. The information you provide will not be shared with third parties. This is a secure, SSL-encrypted form.


    * The ideal results described on this site, including testimonials, represent the outcome of an ideal client. Your results might be different, and will depend on your hypnotic suggestibility, motivation to change, past history, and many other factors that are not in our control. In addition, our work as hypnotherapists is not medical care, psychotherapy or psychological advice.