We are looking forward to seeing you. Just a reminder of the rules:

  • We will start precisely on time. Please plan to arrive five to ten minutes early to take care of the check-in process and payment (your registration only reserves your seat; we take payment at the door).
  • Masking is optional. If you are showing any signs of illness, we ask that you stay home (we will refund you if you have prepaid).
  • If you cannot attend, we ask that you cancel your reservation to free up your seat for another participant.
  • Do not wear strong fragrances, and please respect physical distancing.
  • If you are prone to snoring, please do your best not to fall asleep (we will gently wake you if you do).
  • Please do not bring young children. If you bring your spouse or a friend, they will have to pay for their seat.
  • To respect the privacy of other participants, we do not allow recording of the session.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.