Dear client,

Like many establishments that engage with the public on a personal basis, we have been following the global Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak with some concern. Even though there have not been many cases in Toronto, we believe that we should do our part to proactively reduce the risk of an outbreak in our community.

Currently we are disinfecting our office regularly and asking clients to practise good hygiene and social distancing when appropriate. As our policy has always been, we will not penalize you for sickness-related cancellations. If you have recently travelled to an area with an outbreak of Covid-19, if you are showing symptoms such as fever and a cough, or if you are caring for elderly or immunocompromised relatives, we ask that you engage with us through one of several methods that do not require office visits:

  • If you’re a new client, you can complete our online consultation and request a free written treatment plan to get started. If you want to become familiar with our practices and principles before connecting with us, our YouTube channel is the most complete and up-to-date resource.
  • We are prepared to conduct sessions over videoconferencing software such as Zoom (Skype and FaceTime are acceptable for non-sensitive issues). We use professional-quality Sennheiser microphones to ensure accurate voice reproduction even as voice quality is degraded as it’s transmitted through the Internet. On your end, we highly recommend using a headset with any kind of microphone attached (see these examples). For your comfort, we recommend setting up your computer in front of a recliner ideally, or a couch or bed, rather than an office chair.
  • Alternatively, we are able to make custom recordings that you can use at home (example). This ensures the highest voice quality possible and repeatable sessions, but lacks the immediate back-and-forth of videoconferencing. We usually recommend making a recording only after a few live sessions.

These methods carry zero risk of exposure or transmission, and are suitable for those who need to conduct themselves with an abundance of caution. At the time of writing, most of our clients do not need to take these precautions and our office is still open as normal.

In our past experience, online sessions and recordings are a “good enough” substitute for in-office sessions, as long as you are comfortable with the technology involved. Hypnosis works through your acceptance of clearer thinking, first and foremost, with all other factors being secondary. Your physical presence is not absolutely necessary. If you have any reason to be concerned about being in public, the benefits of online sessions outweigh the downsides.

In the event that local authorities declare a public health emergency in the future, our staff will be working from home and all sessions will be conducted online. We hope that this contingency plan never becomes necessary, but we are prepared to maintain our client relationships during any eventuality.

If you have any questions or concerns about these plans, or whether you’re set up properly to experience hypnosis at home, please contact us by phone or e-mail. We are always happy to help.


Luke Chao
Founder, The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis

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