Ten years ago – on September 1, 2006 – I rented out an office at 15 Elm Street to begin my hypnosis career. It was a little big for my needs, but I figured I would grow into it. At the time, I was 23 years old and my only ambition was to be able to afford a receptionist so that I could have a “real” hypnosis centre.
A decade later, I’m still in the same office – with a small team, a client list of over 3500 people and dozens of trainees under my belt.
Over the years, we’ve hypnotized clients who have travelled from as far as Europe and Africa, who have a wide range of careers and achievements, and who have presented with a myriad of issues, many of which were completely unique to them.
For all these clients, I’m deeply grateful. It has been a pleasure to work with each and every one of you.
I’ve learned many things over the years. I’ve learned how to translate theory into practice. I’ve learned how to shorten, for example, my smoking cessation program from an average of 5 sessions to an average of just 2 sessions while maintaining a higher success rate. I’ve learned how to think on my feet, because one thing’s for certain: The game plan I have for my client is often irrelevant. They will almost always surprise me, which is always a welcome challenge.
Over the years, the hypnotherapy scene has changed. We were the first hypnosis centre in the Greater Toronto Area to back our work with a generous refund policy, and since then, other hypnotherapists in the city have followed suit. Some have since dropped the policy, but we intend to offer it indefinitely, since our refund rate remains under 2% – a testament to our clients’ determination and commitment. We introduced results-based hypnosis to a field saturated with spiritual hypnotherapy, and we intend to continue practicing and training in a way that is practical, effective and professional.
For the many staff members we’ve had over the years, we’ve launched careers. Hypnotherapy isn’t the most lucrative business, and that means we’ve tended to hire students or recent graduates to work at our front desk, who were in turn grateful to have a chance to put their education into practice. We’re proud to have been a stepping stone for careers in advertising, video production, medical administration and, of course, hypnotherapy.
I’m looking forward to making the next decade even better than the last.
In the next year, we’re planning to make better use of technology to improve our clients’ experiences with hypnosis. In addition, we’re planning to form a tightly integrated partnership with a spa in order to provide comprehensive relaxation services to all of our clients.
Some of you receiving this newsletter have been with us since the very beginning, and others less than a week. To all of you, I want to thank you for your support. Without you, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Best regards,
Luke Chao
Founder, The Morpheus Clinic for Hypnosis

One of our Client Care Coordinators published this post.