About How to Be an Adult

Luke Chao and Pascal Langdale are the co-hosts of the How to Be an Adult podcast. Possessing of a philosophical approach to life, they are both keenly interested in improving the society they live in. In this podcast, they share their thoughts freely in order to democratize high-quality living.

You can find many people and traditions that will tell you to honour and respect your parents. In this episode, we make a case for why, in adulthood, you must exceed your parents too. Unless we do this, society will become more closed and intolerant, rather than open and accepting of changes that occur in…

In most households and in schools, the rules for children are different from the rules for adults. But the time you reach adulthood, these childhood rules become obsolete and have to be abandoned. In this episode, we identify several of these childhood lessons that you must abandon in adult life, like that your own opinions…

In this episode, Luke and Pascal speak about how to relate to other human beings as an adult, and more generally, your place in the world. We start by speaking about the importance of approaching other people with a metaphorical cup that’s full or running over. We also discuss the importance of truth, boundary-setting as…

In this episode, we’re going to delve into a philosophy of adulthood that makes it empowering and liberating, rather than onerous and burdensome. We challenge a few popular notions, like that self-love is self-centred, or that truth is irrelevant in a world where narrative is everything. This is the guide to life that your parents…

Our team has launched a new podcast, called How to Be an Adult. It’s the trail guide to life that you should have received when you turned 18, but didn’t. Whether you’re 18 or 80, we intend to help you to feel like an equal to your peers, and to live excellently. In the first…

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