Feelings of relaxation and thoughts of being calm, might come to mind when someone mentions meditation. The same may happen when the thought of hypnosis comes along shortly thereafter. The two practices are often paired together because they both involve bypassing logical thoughts and lowering inhibitions to access a deeper state of mind. With this…

Bad habits. Almost everyone has something that they would like to tackle about themselves, and negative habits plague our daily lives. It can be something as simple as not waking up as early as you would like, procrastinating, or spending too much time on social media. Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit, although it also…

Most of our clients want to know the details of what is going to happen in hypnosis, and we want to give them the information they need to make an informed decision. Last month we explored the hypnotic induction, it’s history, and how is it used in a hypnotherapeutic setting. This month we will be…

When clients first arrive at our clinic, they often have questions regarding what, exactly, will happen during the hypnosis sessions. At Morpheus, our goal is to provide no-nonsense, scientifically backed hypnosis, while giving our clients information about our process, so they can make an informed decision. Last month, we spoke about Reframing, an important technique that…

We view the world through frames: our mind needs classes and categories to think, to represent information, and to make decisions. Whenever you think, you use frames of reference to quickly make sense of the world. We use so many frames, and so often, that we don’t even notice them the majority of the time;…

It’s come up on the news lately. Whether at school or at home, hypnotherapy can be useful to improve key problem areas for our little ones. Some of these common issues include sports performance, fears and phobias, picky eating, and improving confidence. Hypnotherapy for children can have many positive outcomes on their attitudes and outlooks….

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